Website Development
Does your Portfolio Website Need to be ADA Compliant?

Does your Portfolio Website Need to be ADA Compliant?

Do you know, about 71% of potential customers will leave the website if it is not accessible. This means if you want to keep your customers happy with your website then it should be easy to use by everyone. If you want to get the answer of the question, “does your portfolio website need to be ada compliant”, then you are at the right place. We are going to explain whether your website has to be ADA compliant or not. The advantages of having a compliant website and tips for enhancing your website is given below.

Website Development
How Difficult is Deployment to a Website

How Difficult is Deployment to a Website?

Website deployment is an important part in website development which is taken from a local environment to a public domain. It can be seen as intimidating for non-technical users and beginners for understanding the process and it is linked with challenges that can make the task challenging. To ease your challenges, we will let you know how to deploy a website efficiently.

Website Development
What to Include on Contact Page for Website SEO

What to Include on Contact Page for Website SEO?

The website contact us page is an important page for your website visitors, customers and partners as it offers more than the basic content information such as your phone number, email and address. For optimizing the contact us website page, prioritize usability in front of all.
We are going to explain some practices that help you understand what to include on contact page for website SEO to build trust and credibility.

Website Development
Can I Have Multiple Websites for my Business

Can I Have Multiple Websites for my Business?

In today’s era of evolving technology, businesses are finding new ways to diversify their audiences and stand out from others. One way to stand out is having additional websites for a single business. The idea may seem exaggerating but it can be a game changer if applied properly.
So we are going to discuss the specific question of “can I have multiple websites for my business” in detail to let you know what are the specific situations when you may have multiple websites for your business and when you shouldn’t have different websites for business.

Website Development
14 Signs your Website Hacked

14 Signs your Website Hacked?

Many users find out that their website is hacked on getting the “Red Screen of Death” on Google. This is harmful for your website, meaning it’s been very long since your website compromised while also affecting your site’s privacy and reputation.

Website Development
CRO Marketing Process and Strategies

CRO Marketing Process and Strategies

CRO meaning conversion rate optimization and C.R.O. is a systematic process of enhancing a website’s performance by increasing visitors’ percentage who are taking a particular action. That particular action can be a download, purchase or a signup etc. It can be anything which is a potential KPI (Key Performance Indicators) that is taking a part in conversions.